The Godly Play Canada Board is hosting a series of gatherings of trainers. In order to re-engage with our dedicated trainers and in an effort to encourage and build community, and offer development opportunities, we are pleased to share that the Godly Play Canada board is hosting a series of 1 hour online gatherings over the next year!
These sessions include a 20 minute special presentation with guest speakers, followed by a Q&A. There will also be time to gather the circle and check in with one another.

Our hope is that each trainer will commit to at least two gatherings throughout this period.
Please RSVP with prior to the events in order to access the zoom link.
Presentations include:
1) Â Thursday, June 6th at noon EST: Sneak peak and soft launch of our brand new website with Lee- Ann Matthews (Godly Play Board Member & storyteller) and Brianna Coutlee (website designer)
2) Thursday 26 September 24 at noon EST: Exploring the Godly Play Foundation's Beloved Me, Beloved We equity audit with an Introduction to the revised Complete Guide to Godly Play, Volume 8 with Cheryl Minor (Director for the Centre for the Theology of Childhood);
The auditing of materials includes storytelling, wondering, and response times with proposals to adjustments to language, increasing diversity in the representation of the classroom, and ideas for adjustments to materials.
3) January 2025 (date & time TBC): Introduction to the Everyday Godly Play project with Joy Studer & Raenelle Tauro (co directors of Everyday Godly Play at the Godly Play foundation).
This is a multi-dimensional project to expand our resources to support parents and caregivers in their homes and through their faith communities.
4) Thursday 6 March 2025 at noon EST A fireside chat with Godly Play Materials Europe's Valters Pranks (also a Godly Play storyteller) where we will hear Valters' story, learn about the materials, as well as gain a better understanding of contemporary life in Eastern Europe.
We are excited to connect with trainers again and rebuild this community across the country.
If you are interested in becoming a trainer, check back on our events page to see when an opportunity to get trained may be coming!